

BOOKS - 30 Day Challenge

I was looking forward to photographing today's subject because I always find it easier to photograph something (or someone) that I love and I love books. I am an avid reader, I even packed all of the books I wanted to read this summer in their very own suitcase and brought them to Kelowna with me. I also included my iPad in this shot because I read a lot of books on there as well. What books are on your summer reading list?

© 2012 Jennifer Robertson

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get this - since you asked, I just finished reading Left Neglected, I preferred Still, Alice by the same author (Lisa Genova) and I am now on Half Blood Blues by Esi Edugyan. What are your favourite books and what do you recommend? After Half Blood... I have nothing waiting for me??? Erin Greggains
