

SMILE - 30 Day Photography Challenge

I had hoped to capture my oldest son with one of his "light up the room" smiles, but anyone who has teenagers will understand that getting your teen to smile on command and capture it in a photograph is about as difficult as trying to capture a glimpse of the elusive ogopogo here in the Okanagan! So I will post pictures of my teenager trying not to smile, I've also included a picture of my daughter who for the record is not even remotely stingy with her smiles!

© 2012 Jennifer Robertson
There's a smile hiding in there!

© 2012 Jennifer Robertson
Pretending to smile

© 2012 Jennifer Robertson
Half Smile

© 2012 Jennifer Robertson
The best smile I could get out of this teen

© 2012 Jennifer Robertson
This girl is always up for having her picture taken and she ALWAYS wears a smile

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to say my favourite shots are of the kids, of course being that they are my grandchildren. I love the photos. I do check in everyday. Beautiful work Jenn.
